Untitled and Unfinished

3:48 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I don't know what to name it yet and its definitely not finished but here is what I have so far.

And the bite marks on her neck;
she's full of all the words unsaid.
Compose & poised; she'll hold it together,
Venom like fire coursing through her veins
This is what she wanted.
Her heart beat no longer active.
No one will know till dusk settles in,
She will walk at night with her pale new skin.
Her eyes, bright red with thirst.
In the shadows She will take who she wants,
If your lucky you won't be first.
She craves more than just blood,
She craves a mans blood who will give himself to her.
A slave to give her his Body, soul, blood and more.
To succumb to whatever she desires.

(c) Miry


When Sleep Comes.

2:40 PM Unknown 0 Comments

When sleep comes everything goes away,
When you drift into that deep magnificent sleep
that cradles you.

Pain, Memories, The days collection of annoyances...They slip away.
Entering Dream world is like bliss,
An escape from the real world.
You don't have to think about anything just let the dreams come.
A Sanctuary, I call it.
My dreams aren't nightmares, Never are they nightmares.
They tell me what I need to know, and what I already know.
They are comforting... No pain exists & My heart at peace.
But then you wake...everything goes back to being the same.
(c) Miry


Confused. =/

12:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments


Only 1 hour of sleep, How great..I could have died this morning trying not to fall asleep behind the wheel.

I did kill 17 chapters of my new book I just started last night, I figure that I will be don't with it by today if not maybe tomorrow. =) Then I can Start Another.

At least I can be away in my own world for a while, so I don't have to think.

I'm so confused right now about a lot. Blah! I feel like I could mess a lot up.


Act I Scene I

11:06 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Act I Scene I
Self Analyzation

♣ Indifference, unconcern.
♣ The need for absence of emotional reactions towards certain people and things. Acquire the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care.
♣ Self Discovery
♣ Self Improvement
♣ Freedom from thoughts about him.

The question is can I do this... can I be this person my head has planned out for me? Can I be Apathetic? Can I really not show any sort of caring or emotion towards him?
Can I really improve myself the way I want to? Can I train myself so well that I wont think about him, when he shows up in my head more times than it is truly necessary in one day? Can I sincerely move on when I am still holding on so tightly and I still want him this badly? Can I really detach myself from this, do I want to? That's absurd of course I want to!! I want to be Happy again. And then we come to improvement because of everything that has been bothering me lately, stressing me out for the last couple of months have really taken its toll on my physical appearance. I have taken notice that I am pale, breaking out, my eyes aren't the same, they don't have the same shine they used when they looked back at me, and my nutritional intake, is truly questionable seeing as my lack of appetite I don't eat much, yet I crave really bad things at really wrong times... I need to fix that ASAP!!! Another is how to free myself from the financial burden I have placed on myself, or at least make it a little better. On my way to self improvement I want to improve my organizational skills...not that I really need improvement because I can be organized beyond measure...But I am lazy at times which makes my life a mess and is really irritating. But I want to feel clean and organized, not to mention find things with more ease. And the list continues from physical to mental to spiritual...I just want to improve and make everything better in everyway possible before I go insane.


Motion City Soundtrack-- Broken Heart ...I love this Song

12:08 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Broken Heart
Current mood: quiet

Motion City Soundtrack-- Broken Heart
I'll start this broken heart
I'll fix it up so it will work again
Better than before
Then I'll star in a mystery
A tragic tale of all that's yet to come
With fingers crossed there will be love

But I get carried away with every day
And every fantasy
The deeper the wound,
The harder I swoon and wish that that was me

So much to say
But no words to convey
The loneliness building with each passing day
But I'm getting used to it, you have to get used to it

I'll devise the best disguise
A brand new look and take them by surprise
They'll never guess what's not inside

I'll express myself with ease,
With confidence and character complete
With fingers crossed they'll talk to me

But I get carried away with every page
In every magazine
The cheaper the thrill
The deeper I fill my head with blasphemy

So much to say
But no words to convey
The loneliness building with each passing day
But I'm getting used to it, you have to get used to it

I'll destroy this useless heart
I'll fuck it up so it'll never beat again
Not just for me but for anyone

But I get carried away
With every phrase and made up malady
The longer I hide behind these lies,
The more I disintegrate

So much to say
But no words to convey
The loneliness building with each passing day
You never get used to it, you just have to live with it