
10:17 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Nightmares and memories
Taking its toll on me,
Exhausted... I can’t sleep.

Daytime Slumber
Isn’t safe anymore,
It opens the door.

Storybook Romances
Each different, yet the same,
Brings the pain

Images in storybooks
Makes me feel what I can't...
Can't feel anymore.

Captured Glimpses
The future seems so near,
Reach out and it disappears

Looking Back
From the bottom of my empty heart...
I’m not sorry, is the worse part.


Magic Spells

4:25 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Sometimes things bother me, but I don't say anything. I think its because I hate being told what to do and I feel that I don't need to say anything to a person because I wouldn’t want them to go changing the way they are or do things because of me. Either way lately I’ve been bit aggressive and not nice at all. Things that shouldn’t bother me are bothering.

I've also noticed how people especially girls/women are so fake, they fake everything from how they feel to whom they really are and I can see right through it. Ugh it really upsets me how women are only getting worse and losing all their self respect. How can guys deal with that! Whatever I am glad I am not like them.

This really annoying and crazy psycho girl named Jessie, after I deleted her because of some things she told a friend of mine about me, which only shows an immaturity and jealousy, well she requested me countless times and I denied them all, she wrote to me saying that, "You don't know anyone anymore." then when I didn’t respond or accept her final request I get a really immature message not only making it clear that she envy's me but that she needs my approval and contrary to what she wrote which I will post right under this "I am clearly not nothing to her." Hahahaha, What a stupid bitch.

Date: Apr 21, 2009 3:50 PM
Subject: wow miry
you act like you dont know anyone lol thats extreamly funny hope you dont think your better than me sweety alot has changed since we last talked to even me having my own house and going to fiu but i guess you never thought i could make it lol well its people like you i laugh at because to me your a nothing more than a stain in my past because you think your perfect well wake up your not !!!!! bye

Wow... Is absolutely correct!

If anyone reads this and wants to post your opinions go right ahead I would like some feedback on this post.



10:28 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Alright I have noticed I am becoming distant towards everyone, I don't pick up my phone anymore to call or text anyone...I don't know whats wrong with me. I feel like something is crushing me but I don't know what. The other day I was sleeping and in my dream I was infront of a beautiful beach and all of the sudden something grabbed me by the neck and I WOKE UP and it was still there holding me by the neck down onto the bed... that actual tears came out. Noone was home while this was happening during a nap in the middle of the day.

A few things have changed.
1. My hair
2. My gym
3. I hate eating
4. During the week I am pretty much in disguise, I wear hats and big sunglasses to cover myself from the world. I guess I feel I can walk around as someone else for a little while.

I know theres more things but right now I just don't feel like doing this.


Evil likes it when you dont beleive.

9:43 AM Unknown 1 Comments

That is why I let people think what they want about me.
Simply when you beleive that a person such as I can be harmless, it will be your biggest mistake.

On a lighter note I cut my hair, I woke up in the morning yesterday and said WTF do I need to change to make myself just a bit happier ...I chopped it off. It looks good, I look dad likes it...they say I look like a different person... Maybe thats what I was going for be someone different. Not everyone knows the people that I would tell first have no Idea of what I have done. I was thinking to myself last night and I want to move away from Miami at least for a year to be somehere else different meet new people expirience different things... cause chaos and mayhem elsewhere for a bit.

I dont know, whatever.

I am just a confused soul who knows how to get everything she wants, but nothing that she actually needs. Wow... I feel like everyday I am someone different like I wake up a new person, someone else but still me.

Whatever back to boring Javascript class.


Truths and Lies

5:14 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hard truths can be dealt with, triumphed over, but lies will destroy your soul.