Skin Deep
In this day and age tattoos are the norm...A report by the Food and Drug Administration estimated that as many as 45 million Americans have tattoos. The report based the number on the finding by a Harris Interactive Poll in 2003 that 16 percent of all adults and 36 percent of people 25 to 29 had at least one tattoo. The poll also found that 17 percent of tattooed Americans regretted it. - The New York TimesThat poll was taken in 2003 imagine 8 years later... I on the other hand refuse to get one, not because I hate them or have anything against them. I actually think they are a very interesting art form and I myself being an artist appreciate all forms of art. However, I have come to realize that tattoos are just not for me, not in the very least appealing. I love my body too much and too fully to ever destroy its true nature of completely bare skin. Skin is beautiful just as it is.
Even when I did think of a tattoo my body spoke to me and told me, simply, No. I listened of course and then I realized that one day I will walk through the streets, through the sands of different beaches and I will be one of the few that hasn't marked their temple.
My Temple will Remain...
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