PeeWee the Christmas Canine

11:34 AM Unknown 0 Comments

This is PeeWee...
PeeWee puts up with Mama Miry's shenanigans, because he loves to make mama happy! Peewee was a little blessing that arrived into our lives 2 & some years ago at the very beginning of my relationship with Roger. He was born on Valentines Day 2012 from my Fathers Rat Terrier (did I mention that his dad is my sisters Shi Tzu) and three weeks later I took him home with me where Roger also fell in love with him and he's been a huge part of our lives since he stepped in with his little paws and all. The worst of it was the potty training stage and the I'm going to eat all of mommys shoes stage. 

Well that's all for today, that's three days in a row! What what!!! 



5 Days Until Christmas, A Dress, and a Therapy Session

2:15 PM Unknown 0 Comments

So here I am again, wow, 2nd day in a row.... This hasn't happened in quite a while.

Let me begin with there are now 5 days until Christmas and I am super excited to let everyone know that I got a very nice Christmas dress and a few more articles of clothing with a generous gift card given to me by one of my Personal Training clients. On the down side, I am still anxiously waiting for a few more packages in the mail to wrap up as gifts.

There is also another thing on my mind today and that is my girls. I mean my ladies, my best friends, my sisters, my soulmates. We had a girls therapy session last weekend and we resolved a lot of things that we had pending due to our increasingly busy lifestyles and basically growing up. One thing we all agreed on is that we are always there for eachother and will always continue to be. We have all been there for eachother especially in hard times when we need to hear things that we might not want to hear. Letting go and learning is a part of life and all of us this year have had our share of growing. I am really proud of all of us!

Oh yes one last thing, Smile, its a great thing to smile. Do it right now! Go out there and smile :)



The Merriest of Christmases

12:37 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello to all of you friends and followers, I know I know... I have been on hiatus for a little while, who am I kidding, a long while and I wish it wasn't so. However, sometimes life gets a little busy and we must put the beloved blogging aside.

Here I am today though, 6 days away from Christmas. The decorations are out, the tree is up and sparkling, the lights are twinkling outside, the hot cocoa is in the cupboard, the presents (at least the ones so far) are wrapped. So everything seems to be good in the world. Or is it? It's definitely slow season in the PT field, and my Christmas shopping is only half way done and I am stressing! (I mean it is the holiday season everyone is stressing, right?)  Not to worry though, because I am Mirielys Perez and I always find a way.

In other Miry news,  A lot of the goals (I don't call them resolutions, thats a nasty word....RESOLUTION...Yuck.)  I set out for myself I have accomplished this year (YAY ME!) a victory dance is in order here ::waves hands in the air:: "Whoop Whoop" and I must say I am proud of myself. As it turns out I have matured quite a bit, don't get me wrong I am still the funny, silly, weird girl, but I have had to grow up a little especially now that I have more responsibilities taking care of a home, a dog and a career. Not to mention a very special person in my life.

I am going to try my hardest to write more often (I can't make any promises), but I will try!

Talk to you guys later and if not.... Happy Holidays from me!
