Look at her Now!

10:34 PM Unknown 0 Comments

This Journey has been absolutely worth it! 

Making moves...



The Family

4:46 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The most important thing to me is my family, they mean the world to me. Not only my immediate family like mom,dad, sister and nephew, but my whole family. 

You see I was raised in a cuban family where everyone was involved in everyone elses business, which yes I agree can get on your nerves sometimes. We are tight... very tight, to say the least my cousins are my brothers and sisters, my uncles and aunts are like my own parents... some people don't understand this, I however understand this and am grateful that this is just the way it is in my family. 

You are never alone and there is always someone there to give  you a helping hand. Time and time again my family has shown me how tight we really are. In the past year, unfortunately, there have been more hospitalizations than we are used to and with each one, everyone has been involved , everyone has visited and everyone has offered their time and help. 

I realize that not many people have this type of connection with their family and I am absolutely grateful that I do. 


TITANIUM: A Welcome to 2014

12:26 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello fellow blog readers, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I am so excited to be writing a blog post today on the 2nd day of the year hopefully this year I will be actively blogging a lot more and not only am I going to be blogging about my Personal Life, Experiences, and Life Lessons, but I will also be blogging about....... Drum Roll Please........... Women Stuff! Now wait a second guys.... as I have a male audience too, it would do you good to stick around and learn how women think, act, feel and the tortuous things we do to ourselves to look good for societies standards.
You see I believe that I have hacked into some amazing things and information that have worked for me that I would like to share with all of you. So that's First.

Secondly, I would like to take a moment to all the people that have supported me in 2013. You are loved, appreciated, and thanked tremendously for sticking by me and believing in my dreams. I would also like to thank all you poisonous, disgusting and evil people that did not believe in me or that simply wished for my failure, because that just added fuel to the fire and in turn helped me anyway.
Now that we are in 2014 its going to be a different ball game. This time I am playing for keeps.
You see that smile right there -----> It's a smile that knows.... I am already winning.

One more thing.... visit my fitness site and start getting more involved in your health today!! www.fitcrazy.tv

Happy New Years from My Little Family to yours!
