A quote from New Moon.

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I was not allowed to think of him. That was something I tried to be very strict about. Of course I slipped; I was only human. But I was getting better, and so the pain was something I could avoid for days at a time now. The trade off was the never-ending numbness. Between pain and nothing, I’d chosen nothing.
Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 4, p.113 **(Great Quote)**

You would think that reading this back in April would have made things worse. But it actually made them better these books where my get-a-away from reality...Thats why I love them so much...Not like everyone else loves them because of a movie or a fad... Because they helped me. I will forever be grateful for the day I stumbled upon Twilight in the bookstore.

Today I feel like shit.. I am getting sick...I can feel the symptoms... Watery Eyes, Sore Throat, Ear ache, Body ache... Wonderful just what I freaking need. NOT! The only bright side to this is that when I am sick I don't feel like eating. =) Yes Yes...I know, Bad.

Blah Blah Blah...Long weekend here I come.

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