98 bottles of Grey Goose on the wall....
Hello readers... Today My legs and butt are sore. That is a very good thing ;) Me and Mabelle had a very good workout session yesterday at the gym. Manny might join up with us at 24 Hour Fitness too... So that would mean that I am once again recruiting everyone to my gym, even Made and Ever will probably join up together...I suggested the idea plus a daycare where D can be taken care off(pretty clever). It is a very good place I like it better than Porkys times a million.Oh and Very fun things are happening.... Like concerts, birthdays, trips, and more.
I also like my horoscope for today:
Wednesday, Aug 19th, 2009 -- There's no value to being overly demanding now, even if you think you deserve more than you have. Today actually could disprove the notion of the squeaky wheel getting the grease, for the more reserved you are, the greater the payoff. Your rewards won't likely come overnight, but the healthy sextile between valuable Venus and calculating Saturn should give you sufficient strength of purpose, along with the ability to wait for sweet satisfaction.
Besides all of that everything is going pretty good... I am Happy, healthy, having fun, taking care of me and my own.
Oh damn.... I need to come back and write later I didn't notice the time was 12:50pm I need to go pick up Mabelle and head to the gym. Thank goodness I wrote out our workout before I started to write this.
Ill be back.....
Well Now that I am back from the gym...I will let you know how it went... It was great we got through the workouts quickly and effectively just so smoothly. My arms will be sore tomorrow!
Anyways I think thats really all I have to say today =)
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