
11:26 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I told a friend before he left that I was going to be causing some Chaos in Miami after he left and after I solve a few things that need to be solved.

& that is the truth, I have already started to place the puzzle peices where they belong. Correcting wrongs and having all the patterns figured out so all goes according to plan. Peoples lives will be turned upside down. They wont know what hit them. People have yet figured out what I am. I don't even know... I can't explain how it is that I do what I do...but I just do it.

There is a list, there's always a list. Thats how I do things I write them down and cross them off as I go.

I will not tolerate peoples mistakes or their malicious actions... I will not wait for fate to take care of their karma... I will not stand here and do nothing when I know that they need to learn their lessons. I know many people won't agree with me, but it's not their desicion.

I will be a good person no matter what... So my intention is not to hurt anyone. I will not be hurting people... it is wrong to intentionally hurt people especially if you loved them at one point... lets just say its a harsh realization that will hopefully change their lives.

Each step has to be taken carefully and without flaw. If not things will go terribly wrong.

Today I am taking care of a couple of things that need to be taken care of like my internship I am not sure if this is the right place for me so i will go check out a few more places that do what I do... I will workout hard today because last week I slacked and I have to be in awesome shape for a paying photoshoot for a website. And I need to get things in order to start paying annabelle and my uncle and other things that need to be handled.

I am angry today but I will not let people see it. I kind off want to throw things all over the place... or go punch something. I guess I will have to just let it all out at the gym.

What a fun day this will be today.

Well I am off to do a couple of things...

Movie: Surrogates
Music: Acceptance
Books: Fade
Treat: Frozen Yogurt w/ Marshmellows.


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