WEDNESDAY is my favorite day of the week.
My hair smells wonderful, if I could smell my hair all day, I would.... Actually that is exactly what I am doing I have my hair down so that I can just turn my face and smell the glorious scent that resides there... and the best part of all is that its super pretty and twirly. I kept bothering Annabelle and Mabelle last night while we hung out to touch my twirl, then I let it lose and Mabelle really liked it. =) I told her to twirl her hair as well it would look so nice and pretty.Right now I am into Crystals and Stones, I am really enjoying learning about the different types of crystals and what energies they produce and what they can be used for. I want to actually start meditating more often and also doing Yoga more often as well. I guess you can say I am on a spiritual path just trying to find what works for me and Ive always been a Mystic, I've always believed in Energies, Auras, Elements, & Meditation.
As far as what needs to be taken care of, I have been doing well Taking care of my face by going to the Dermatologist getting medication and some topical ointments which is actually doing wonders for my face. I'm taking my vitamins and still going to the gym on a daily basis, even though I've been a bit lazy lately... I told this to Annabelle and she said because beach time is over so there is no motivation. I guess she is right, so that means I have to direct my motivation to something else...hmmm.... But what?
OMG!!! I just turned my face again... Wow I can't get over this orgasmic smell. I just can't wait till my hair gets longer.
Ive been thinking of possibly making this blog into a book. I need some inputs about this. I'm not sure I want my personal thoughts floating about for everyone to read, but why should I see it as a negative thing? What if it actually helps people out, they relate and get inspired to write about their stuff as well. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
I want to do so many things, another one is painting and drawing more often. Its such a stress reliever and most of the time I just start with some sort of shape and end up with something really amazing. I guess in time but first I need to get organized a bit. I mean I only have one small room to fit all my chaos in, that's why most of the time its messy but I always know where everything is... well except my keys they are always on a never ending mission to be lost or hide from me. No worries though I have a spare set and I have even thought of a third set just in case.
Anyway, for the most part lately Ive been happy. Which is what I wanted. I go up and down a lot but at least lately not much has been able to bring me down if I am sad it only last for a few hours maybe a day but for the most part I get over it and I really can't complain because I am happy. No matter what I am happy.
Five Boyfriends... This is Annabelle's plan for moi, She says I need to get five boyfriends and stop concentrating on just one. I like her idea but it goes against what I've always believed... but maybe shes right and I should because what I have always believed has never really worked for me.
Hehe, Well that's all folks.
5 boyfriends wooo!
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