Color outside the lines...

7:05 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I say, why not?

Having this discussion with my cousin made me ralize that I love being out of the ordinary...doing weird shit, saying weird shit, wearing different things... Im colorful and I like it that way.

I finished the painting of the drawing  that I was recreating and I must say I am pretty proud of myself. I can't wait to paint another.

You know what is great...that suposedly 2010 is going to be an awesome year for Pisces & I beleive it will be.

I feel Like making albums of the past 2 years and putting them up as a blog post and I think that's exactly what I will do after I finish making the bracelet...which I did already because I like to do a million things all at's pretty.

I need to find my notebook.... its been lost for a few days and I will go nuts if I don't find it so I will do that and Maybe write tomorrow. Bye!

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