An Interview...

9:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

This Law Firm I am working at just ain't cutting it. The pay isn't at all great, thank goodness they haven't gotten on my case because I make sure I do everything right and cover my ass, but Ive seen how they get with other people in the office. The other day my coworker Rocio called me after work and said I'm about to quit. Obviously thinking rationally I told her not too and to look for something in the meantime. That's also what I am doing and guess what? I have an interview this morning before work!!! yayyyyyy!!!!

I am thinking of having a garage sale I took notice that there are so many things that I don't use or care for anymore that are in good conditions. It's on my very very long list to do.

I am going to try to write everyday, I feel horrible not writing on a daily basis anymore. I am definitely going to even if it is a one word post.

Anyway its time to go finish getting ready. Wish me Luck. :)

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