Photoshoot: June 24, 2O1O

2:56 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello Readers,

I just wanted to say that the photoshoot last week went really well and I have some very very nice images. I love being infront of the camera and I love to pose and the glam and the whole modeling expirience. But anyways I decided to share with my readers the photos of the shoot =). Hope you all like them.



But I thought you said....

2:23 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Its funny how someone tells you that there is one thing that they need to do in order to create awareness to a specific project and then tells you I hope that it doesn't bother you and of course you go along with it because its important and it's good for the person and then they get bothered when you do the exact same thing. Fair or Unfair?

You see I don't have a massive network, I have a few people that I really talk to and consider close to me such as Annabelle, Mabelle, Made, Manny & Marlene sometimes, & Jorge, Thats about it. So if I talk with people outside of my own small social group you best beleive thats a miracle. So all I want to do is get out there and network for my businesses. I feel that now that if I do so I am restricted to the people I can network with & talk to which shouldnt be the case. How does that work?

I don't know what to do...

Whatever I can't worry about little things, especially unfairness. I need to focus.

I have to go now. bye.


1:25 AM

2:13 AM Unknown 0 Comments


Right now I'm working on a website, my eyes...killing me, my brain...about to pop, my hunger level...about to bite the table leg off, the ice in my water...melting. I got up Thursday morning at 6:00am for a photo shoot,  and right about now I feel like I am going to fall off from this chair onto the ground ignoring the fact that I will probably be severely hurt and knock out.

On the bright side of things I got very nice pictures, I got my business cards and I am on a roll with this website that I am trying to finish for a client. (She's very picky and Indecisive.) I've had to change the layout 3 times! Grrrr... Talk about frustration. 

Well Off to sleep. Goodnight.


Working My Butt Off.

5:58 PM Unknown 0 Comments

 After I quit my tedious job, I had a plan. A plan that Ive been thinking of for quite a while.

This plan would include, myself and not working for anyone but myself. So in the past week I have been working on what is now my Business. I've designed and coded the website, designed the web flyers and emailed my contacts, designed and printed my cards, and have been working on a couple more websites.

So readers if you want to... check it out its: Creative Control Web Design

As for everything else I have been quite lovely, I have been keeping to myself quite a bit more and just hanging with my sister a lot more. I miss my friends but I feel if they don't call me to chill or to see how I am doing its because they must not really care. Regardless, I still love them to death.

I have started a new blog and updated an old one.
(NEW) - I Try It, You Buy It! - Which is a blog about products that I try and if I think they are great and worthy of a recommendation then I will write my story about it and why its so great.
(UPDATED) - Room For Improvement - This is the Health and Fitness one that I have recently updated the layout & The new body goal. I am also eating very differently. And my body Goal is ridiculous but if I stick to it very very possible.

And everything else seems to be falling into place as well. So until tomorrow readers have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday! :)


Color of the week: SUCK MY FINGERS Bloody Red

11:35 PM Unknown 0 Comments

This weeks color...


Thirsty Wake Up.

10:13 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello, I have had a very productive yet weird day.

It all started in my sleep, where dreams usually take over and they are always weird. This particular dream last night happened to be in a place that resembled Disney world but was not really Disney world kind of an alternate Disney as I walked the gray paved roads things stated to change the moon disappeared and all of the sudden black cats started appearing and  people jumping out trying to scare me. As I walked on Things started to become more and more weird people I knew started appearing out of nowhere and I kept asking for water, they would give me water and I would drink it up completely but I would still be thirsty, so I would ask for more but the more I had the thirstier I became. Then I woke up and went to the kitchen and mixed the perfect ratio of ice to water and quenched the thirst that wouldn't be quenched in my dream.

When I awoke it was 9:30am and Instead of going back to sleep I decided to start my day early. I got dressed and went to the barber shop with my sister to give Baby D a haircut. We went home and I checked emails and got some stuff done on the computer. After that we took D to the park and it was terribly hot outside that we only lasted there for 30 minutes. After the park my sisters ex came to pick up D. We both went to Busy Bee to get our cars Vacuumed and Washed.. Baby Scion is extremely happy. Then I was starving but didnt want to travel all the way to Chicken Kitchen so I hopped in my car and explored the nearest shopping centers and I found a cool new place called Gellatos Grill. ...I am a very Happy customer... The rest of the day has been pretty much work on some new websites.

I have been on all sorts of emotional rollercoasters today... let me explain:
Angry: My phone is acting up already!
Happy: That I have accomplished so much in just one week.
Annoyed: My vision is blurred from looking into the computer screen very intently for a few hours.
Pain: I have a minor headache and moving body pains.
Excited: About the business cards that I ordered.

So you see, Ive been a very busy and totally crazy person today.  Not to mention that Ive had tons of water.


Laundry Day

11:14 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Oh great Laundry Day!

The best thing about laundry day is that I find clothes that I havent seen for a month and then Im like "Oh there it is!" Don't get the wrong idea here, the thing is that I have a great quantity of clothes, I dont run out of clothes quickly so instead of doing laundry once a week I do laundry once a month. 

That is all about to change. I am going to have a garage sale this weekend and I have cleared out about more than half of my closet. Yay!

Today Ferny and I got a free spicy chicken from Chick-Fil-E, to be honest it was too spicy for my taste.

Any-who... its 11:14pm and I still have to do my ab workour for the day, take a shower,  I also have to finish the laundry, check the emails and work on my... So goodnight readers.



4:01 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Sometimes, when you are talented in more than one area you sometimes kind of loose focus. At least that’s what happens to me. I think since I have a lot of talent in many things I shouldn’t let it go to waste, So I don’t focus in just one area I try and want to do it all. It’s kind of frustrating because you can’t do it all at once; I have to learn to focus on one thing at a time.

The question is what do I focus on first?

This is the difficult part I have the ability to take on more than one thing at a time, but my stress levels would most probably hit Jupiter.

So …What do I focus on first?

Which of my many, trust me when I say many I’m being modest and I really must be honest with not only myself but with my readers …I have a lot more than just many talents, the question still remains which should I focus on first.

You are probably asking yourself why not just stay on a one track plan, why not focus on one and possibly make more than a six digit figure each year, Well that’s simple to answer, I am not boring, I have too many great Ideas, and if I stay on one track I would never really know if I could have done what I am setting out to do.

My Family may not understand and think I am wasting time, my friends probably think they will be more successful than me, and my dad tells me each and every day that I am irresponsible and should focus on one thing. Their words and they’re thinking well of course it bothers me, but it only bothers me like a mosquito bite would bother me.