
4:01 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Sometimes, when you are talented in more than one area you sometimes kind of loose focus. At least that’s what happens to me. I think since I have a lot of talent in many things I shouldn’t let it go to waste, So I don’t focus in just one area I try and want to do it all. It’s kind of frustrating because you can’t do it all at once; I have to learn to focus on one thing at a time.

The question is what do I focus on first?

This is the difficult part I have the ability to take on more than one thing at a time, but my stress levels would most probably hit Jupiter.

So …What do I focus on first?

Which of my many, trust me when I say many I’m being modest and I really must be honest with not only myself but with my readers …I have a lot more than just many talents, the question still remains which should I focus on first.

You are probably asking yourself why not just stay on a one track plan, why not focus on one and possibly make more than a six digit figure each year, Well that’s simple to answer, I am not boring, I have too many great Ideas, and if I stay on one track I would never really know if I could have done what I am setting out to do.

My Family may not understand and think I am wasting time, my friends probably think they will be more successful than me, and my dad tells me each and every day that I am irresponsible and should focus on one thing. Their words and they’re thinking well of course it bothers me, but it only bothers me like a mosquito bite would bother me.

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Anonymous said...

what it sounds like you need is help. You should have your friends you trust and that want to help you progress help you. yes you maybe using them, so what. if they love you and are your friends they would not mind helping a friend willing to progress. even if its the smallest of things have them help you and you will be able to do all you want and divide the stress. only do this with people that want the best for you and are willing to help you, that you can trust. people are meant to be used in order to be successful. anyone who was anyone know this. those that help you may benefit as well. if you succedd you may give them a small bonus or you may pay for some drinks and such. business is business. just always keep control. i am more than sure you have friend willing to help without having to give anything in return. by yourself you will never do it.