30 Minutes...

1:00 PM Unknown 1 Comments

So I have thirty minutes to write this blog post get ready for the gym and go......

Lately I feel like the world is out to get me, this is me "Hi world!" and the world says, "Fuck you here is some bad luck." My car battery dies, my passenger side window broken by some juvenile delinquents who suck at stealing, not to mention the unfortunate multiple ticket situation. So yes the world hates me pretty much.

Besides all that I am back to mission mode on my body goal, since I had left the gym for a month and didn't stay on a strict diet I have gained about 4 pounds and lost some muscle. So it's back to the gym and working out plus the strictest diet I have been on since I first started working out with my trainer Joey, two and a half years ago.
Things that I am refusing to eat or drink: Soda, any type of juice that comes in bottle form ( from now on only freshly squeezed), salt, sugar, white rice, white bread, any meat that isn't chicken, turkey or fish, beer, alcohol, (brace thy selves) Coffee...commence intensive sobbing....,  no junk food, and no dairy products (including cheese)...continues sobbing.....

Alright, so I dumped all the tear stained tissues in the garbage and am ready to embark on my new eating and exercising journey. Which I am sure that all my family, friends and boyfriend will be very supportive and not taunt me with delicious food which I must not eat!

I also have other projects which I am working on, but I can't mention anything yet. :)

Well readers, until next time.


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Anonymous said...

Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson