Taking a Nap on a Lovely Sunday Afternoon

5:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I am back now at my house, I went to Annabelle's house walking earlier and then went to International Mall with her, Sandy, and Mabelle walked around and ate lunch at a Pizzeria. After we went to Dolphin and watched Let Me In. It was an alright movie... the whole time I was watching but I was thinking too. Now I am home and I don't want to be here, I want to distract myself because I am sad. So I am going to do what I usually do when I am down. I sleep. I was also thinking about my favorite time of year, It is almost here after Halloween and when November starts and it starts to get cooler and it feels good outside, the weather feels nice on my skin, and I get to wear nice sweaters and long sleve shirts with boots and the Family comes together but this year I feel that it will be a little emptier than the rest of the other years. Anyways time to nap. Good afternoon.

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