Ms.Good Morning

8:04 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Having my morning coffee, I love my morning coffee.

My weekend was wonderful! Lots of fun and Marlene's wedding finally! 



Ms. Pink Monster

4:41 PM Unknown 1 Comments

I want these really bad.



A Very Happy Camper.

1:44 PM Unknown 5 Comments

Hello Hello,

Well I must say that I am an extremely happy girl today. I had lunch deliverd to the office, I am now having(rice, black beans and picadillo) All I can say is yummmmmyyy! 

Last night  I had Thanksgiving at my parents, I think I had to much wine because my head started to hurt by the end of the night so I took a little nap at 10PM and was woken up  at 11:45PM to go to Dolphin Mall. I was so excited and then all of my excitement came to an abrupt end as soon as I saw the traffic entering the mall, I still went in and the lines were ridiculous. The only thing I bought was noserings which I desperately needed anyway and got out of there. 

Good  news is I am online shopping for super special deals and after work I am going to do some scavengering <--- is that a word, or did I just make it up? Anywhoo, Yea we are going SCAVENGERINGsome Black Friday deals that are worth it. 

Anyway back to work. :)


Thanksgiving Day.

12:37 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Woke up late today... It’s Thanksgiving Day but it doesn't feel like it. I guess because I am used to waking up on Thanksgiving Day with the craziness at my house everyone preparing the yard and my mom cleaning the house, preparing the food. In my house we have a Cuban thanksgiving, wait who am I kidding in Miami almost everyone has a Cuban thanksgiving. For once I wish we did have a regular corn, mashed potatoes, etc.

I am going to go to Dolphin Mall at midnight for Black Friday...Yay I can finally shop!!. I'm pulling an all nighter because then I have to work tomorrow.  So you know what that means… MONSTER!!!!

Well I am hungry now, so Im going to head to get brunch!

Ill write later :)



12:27 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Well Since I am seriously into the whole anime thing and Japanese culture, watching an anime I noticed these cute little lunch boxes and even though they were cartoon they looked really good and like a great idea. So I did what Miry does best ::research:: and found that they actually exist and they are called Bentos which is the Japanese word for a meal served in a box. Now, I furthur researched and found some pictures of what they might look like. Here are some examples:

Now for the seriously cute Part...YAY!!!!

So now your wondering, well thats all great and all but whats the point of this blog post? Weeeeelllll, I liked the idea sooooo much that I am going to attempt to make bentos regularly. Of course not all the time with super cute characters but most definitely going to try the characters and see if I come up with anything as creative. This should be fun. ^_^

I will document my trial and errors and let you guys know how it turned out, I will also provide pictures. And I am sure my boyfriend will love all the Bentos I make him...Well he better or else...dum dum dum.

Im Out.


When Life Gets Rough, Miry Gets Tough!

4:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Second week of work just started today and so far so good I am on my own and I like it. Trying to figure things out as I go along, but learning a ton of things.

My weekend was a great one, I haven't written much because of the new JOB... but I definitely have not abandoned my fellow readers.

My weekend was very laid back, my mothers birthday was on Saturday  I headed to My dads farm and spent time with my family! Yay! Then I watched the Pacquiao and Margarito fight.... I am very happy with the outcome of the fight, although I felt bad for Margaritos fucked up face I felt like Pacquiao deserved to win because he didn't shit talk and he obviously knew what he was doing.

After work I am heading to watch the Second Harry Potter movie, then I am doing a late night gym session before going home, because the holidays are coming up so that means holiday muching = more gym time.



Making Moves

3:32 PM Unknown 0 Comments


Today I am not really in the writing mood and I am in a hurry because I have to go to the gym and then go to an appointment with a client. But I will let you know some of the things I am doing.

I am sending out resumes everywhere possible.
I got another interview for tomorrow at 10AM in the Gables. Yay!
I am setting some photo-shoots up for the next few months, so I have been coming up with photo-shoot themes and ideas.
And I have to figure out a way to burn all the Harry Potter Movies because I am going to watch all of them before the new one comes out since I am a Harry Potter Fan.
Oh and I made this....


Halloween Extravaganza

5:41 PM Unknown 0 Comments

My Halloween Weekend was pretty chill. Here are some pictures.

We went to Segafredos in Sunset and entered a Costume Competition. LOL and I had a great time. I saw SAW 3D on Sunday night.