
12:27 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Well Since I am seriously into the whole anime thing and Japanese culture, watching an anime I noticed these cute little lunch boxes and even though they were cartoon they looked really good and like a great idea. So I did what Miry does best ::research:: and found that they actually exist and they are called Bentos which is the Japanese word for a meal served in a box. Now, I furthur researched and found some pictures of what they might look like. Here are some examples:

Now for the seriously cute Part...YAY!!!!

So now your wondering, well thats all great and all but whats the point of this blog post? Weeeeelllll, I liked the idea sooooo much that I am going to attempt to make bentos regularly. Of course not all the time with super cute characters but most definitely going to try the characters and see if I come up with anything as creative. This should be fun. ^_^

I will document my trial and errors and let you guys know how it turned out, I will also provide pictures. And I am sure my boyfriend will love all the Bentos I make him...Well he better or else...dum dum dum.

Im Out.

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