4:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

24 years ago today, at 10:19PM to be exact I was comng out of my mothers... What a glorious day it was, I was my mother first and my dad's third. Actually, I was the first born child to the Martinez Family (Mom's Side), needless to say I was the apple of their eye, the golden child, the happiness after a series of darkness and misfortunes. Like the circle of life says when there is death there is also birth.

Anyway, yes, it is my birthday today and I am at work itching to get out and start my celebrations! :)

Its been a pretty uneventful week.

So I finished another book last night Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick and I Just started a new one today called Hollowland by Amanda Hocking. The list is starting to look like I may have to add more to it soon. I wouldnt be surprised if I read a hundred books this year. ::Fingers Crossed::

Well Laters.

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