Two Million Thoughts

12:34 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Because I am Miry and my mind is never at rest I decided that it was time to calm my mind and organize my thoughts. For someone like me this is a very difficult task because my mind is always flooded with thoughts. Now, it takes much effort but I have somewhat accomplished to calm my mind and in result I am less stressed, more focused, and for once in my life thinking a bit more clearly. 

This was a great step to take, I really needed to step out of whatever I was going through in my mind and place things in order. 

Now for an update:

1.) I am more motivated and determined than ever. 

2.) My body goal is right there in my grasp, but a lot of work is still left to do. 

3.) I am taking up more reading in different genres.

4.) I am back at school.

5.) The organization Process has begun!

6.) My ideas are coming to life. 

For now that's the deal, I will write later.


Time to leave town, even if just for a little while.

5:24 PM Unknown 0 Comments

You cant see me but I am frantically waving at the screen. 

I am here to say that I am leaving for the weekend on a mini vacay to Orlando... I want to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Dammit! So this is me writing about how excited I am to be going on a trip and how frustrated I am that the Laundry inst done yet because I need to finish packing my shit, not to mention the million things I still have left to do.

Anyway, I am sure you all will have splendid weekends and everyone is going to be safe and sound to come back and read more of my awesome blog. But My weekend starts now, No phone, No internet (WHY???).


^ Hahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahaha ^


It feels good to be empty.

2:30 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Emotions are all nice and all, but if you actually attempt to shut them off, its quiet, peaceful even. This type of emptiness doesn't feel wrong, it feels like right now its what I need. 

I want to empty myself and paint. Does that sound weird? To let nothingness take control of the paint brush and see what comes out. Imagine a great masterpiece that became from nothingness. I may not be right in the mind today. 
Have I gone mad?



1:42 PM Unknown 0 Comments

It's time now for big decision making and big changes. 

Sometimes, people are blinded by love, hate, anger or whatever else emotion. Today I am not blinded because I see things for what they are and I don't like what I see. I am putting my emotions in a little box for a while and not letting them out until I have decided what will truly make me happy.   I am a very good person and I will not let anyone tell me otherwise.

If you want to be happy, be.
-Leo Tolstoy

It's so important to make someone happy. Start with yourself.


Check out this cool fan page I found!

Check out this cool fan page I found!


It's Thursday....

9:32 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello everyone, or all of you, or those of you who have stumbled upon , religiously read, or stalk my blog. Welcome one and all to my Crappy Thursday Night... I am sitting here in front of the computer attempting to work but I don't want to...wahhhh... Anyway lets get to the point of this blog, I have somewhat organized my room, my books, and I am in the process of organizing everything in my life. What has brought this on you may ask... Its actually quite simple I can feel change approaching besides at the time of the New Moon phase is a magical time of new beginings.

I also want to mention that my puppy is weird and slams into my back door all the time.

Since I also want to be weird I am going to do some twitter Best Tweets on Thursday August 4, 2011.
 by MiryPz
OK so those were my favorite tweets today...

What else.... Oh yea... why is everyone going on vacation? Everyone but me? FUCK ALL Y'ALL! 


The Fallen Star (Review)

3:05 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Fallen Star

As of the beginning of this year I have really been into checking out self publishing authors, about a week ago I decided to get this new book on My Kindle called The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen, I started the story not really expecting to much from it until I fell a few chapters in and 5 hours later I was almost done, I couldn't keep my eyes opened though so I went to sleep and come the next day I was done, correction I was blown away... what an amazing story! I am not going to go into full details I will say that it is a must read. A girl with strange violet eyes that can't feel any emotions for 18 years of her life, and all of the sudden... now like I said I wont go into full details but its definitely a must read.

I am now reading the second book I just couldn't wait.


The Key to Survival

12:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The key to survival is to live for oneself, work for oneself, and protect oneself from any harm. It sounds like a selfish way to live but is it really? Isn't it that at the end of the day your all alone. You go to bed alone, you go to work alone, you are alone most of your day... alone with your thoughts, with your inner self. Talking to yourself and having conversations with this inner self. Discussing ideas, goals and motivation with the inner self. I am not saying to isolate yourself, because at the end of the day we have friends and family to give us that touch of warmth that we all need, that little spark of social happiness we all crave, what I am saying though is don't work hard for others, work hard for yourself. Don't live for other people live for yourself because if you know how to take care and be happy with yourself when the time comes it will come easier to do the same for others.

So... Its me first. Call me selfish, I honestly don't care.


Emotionless Zombie

11:25 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Sometimes I feel like maybe being an emotionless zombie wouldn't be so bad. Take me for example A triple water sign Pisces that thinks way to much sounds about right that you are on a constant emotional roller coaster, definitely not the fun kind of roller coaster if you ask me, but that's besides the point, the point I am trying to make here is that I have a million emotions a day, but according to my mother I am a detached emotionless person or that's what she seems to see, I wish she was right though because sometimes I care about way to much. To other people I am selfish and not understanding, while to some people I am so selfless and way to understanding that I need to be more selfish, and since I know you are reading this Mabelle and Annie you may be smiling to yourself right now. Over the years though it seems that a veil or layers of veils have been removed from sight so I can see the picture a little clearer, a little sharper and its no wonder that people are the way they are now a days, its really easy to care less and less and its really easy to start not giving a fuck. I am seeing more and more that people are really fucked up. Those people who are nice to you in your face and are really just pretending in order to manipulate those around them to have control and get what they want I am sure its been like that their whole lives because I mean seriously some people just don't have anything better to do, but hey who am I to judge. Oh wait... I can judge because if they can judge me then I can damn well judge and I know that they have more skeletons in  their closets than they lead on. But we aren't talking about people who think all high and mighty of themselves when they have done absolutely nothing in their lives.

We are talking about me here, you see a simple roaring fire starts with a small insignificant candle, lets make it lavender just for shits and giggles, and then you strike the match and there goes the wonderful smell and the brightness and warm glow of this little lavender candle and all it takes is a little push for that candle to become a small fire, you can put it out in time if you hurry, but what if this little fire becomes an out of control wave of flames and destruction. That would be fun to watch wouldn't it?