The Key to Survival

12:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The key to survival is to live for oneself, work for oneself, and protect oneself from any harm. It sounds like a selfish way to live but is it really? Isn't it that at the end of the day your all alone. You go to bed alone, you go to work alone, you are alone most of your day... alone with your thoughts, with your inner self. Talking to yourself and having conversations with this inner self. Discussing ideas, goals and motivation with the inner self. I am not saying to isolate yourself, because at the end of the day we have friends and family to give us that touch of warmth that we all need, that little spark of social happiness we all crave, what I am saying though is don't work hard for others, work hard for yourself. Don't live for other people live for yourself because if you know how to take care and be happy with yourself when the time comes it will come easier to do the same for others.

So... Its me first. Call me selfish, I honestly don't care.

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