I am writing...

12:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello readers,

I don't remember if I have ever mentioned it before but I am writing a book. I will not give any details on what its about or when I will release it. All I am going to say that its half way there and I am excited about it, I am hoping to be done with it by December and release it in 2012 sometime. I still need cover art which I will probably do myself... Things are a lot easier when you are multi-talented. ;) I am also thinking of Starting my author and book blog.

As for everything else... I want to do a show and tell... I have done a new shoot which is on my new and improved modeling page www.mirielys.com

There are just so many things, I would need a good free day and time to just write about everything and include all pictures in relation to everything that's going on.  I have to keep up with a few of my blogs as well. All in due time... first is hard work and dedication then its success and a break.

Anyway.. I have to get back to work.



As Promised.

3:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments

So here is the video I promised....Not a big deal but whatever. 


You know whats so cool...

6:55 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey followers, readers of this blog..you know I love each and everyone of you. <3

Now... I am going to go ahead and make a video blog post later on today. Because 1.) I have a lot to say. 2.) I have more to say. and 3.) I have a few things to show... so wait for it.

The move to California seems more and more intriguing as I seriously, and I really mean SERIOUSLY think about it. Not only can it be a great new adventure, sure I will miss everyone here (some more than others), but Its an opportunity that I cannot pass up.

So, I will see you guys later, or well you guys will see me later!


We get one story...

3:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Survival is the Reason
Our Story Begins
Life's Warriors want to Win
Today, Tommorow the Next day After That
To Prove We will Win
The Big Game Called Life

Well I guess your all guessing what that little poem was about, basically its about survival and how life makes warriors of us. Well some of us anyway.

Exciting News: I have an upcoming photo shoot!


A little peice of heaven, a whole mess of decisions.

12:46 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Update: I am thinking of moving somewhere else in this country, California seems to be the place where my profession is leading me to. No one thinks I am serious but one of these days I will make the necessary arrangements, I will pack up my bags, and the the west coast. Los Angeles will be my new home, but who knows for how long I don't want to live stationary, I want to travel the world and live in different places. Who knows maybe I end up in Italy, Japan or maybe even down under with Ms. Susie Fiasco.  

Training for Tough Mudder is going well its a lot tougher than I thought thank God I have til next year, At least I can do 15 push ups straight... without stopping, run 1 mile without stopping and swim 4 laps without stopping. The thing that worries me is Pull ups... I haven't even attempted doing them on my own.

So that's a short update for now. Will write again soon.


Pic Update

3:20 PM Unknown 0 Comments



3:02 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Today is Tuesday and a boring one at that, I guess Its time for an update, I am doing very well... Back at school and doing math (which I absolutely hate), re-working my business ideas,  My body goal is closer and closer in my grasp, So right now everything is going great. There are a few things here and there that are not so great but obviously everyone has those  no one can be perfect. I have decided that since I haven't had a picture update blog post in a while and since most of my pictures lately are being taken from my phone I am going to have to do it from my phone directly.

It must be one of those days where I am focusing on what needs to be done and what I must do to fulfill my goals and dreams. I have a couple of projects that I will be working on in the next couple of weeks.

I am going to start training for Tough Mudder, for those of you who don't know it is a 10-12 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. This is what they are saying on the site "At a minimum, we recommend that you are running regularly (3-4 times a week), work up to at least runs of 5-7 miles, be able to do 15-25 push-ups in a row, be able to bang out 6 pull-ups in a row (especially the guys), and be able to swim 50 yards without stopping (although you can skip the water obstacles)." So I have my work cut out for me.

So lots of things happening and I know I have been really bad at updating recently! I'm just swamped with everything happening.