I am writing...
Hello readers,I don't remember if I have ever mentioned it before but I am writing a book. I will not give any details on what its about or when I will release it. All I am going to say that its half way there and I am excited about it, I am hoping to be done with it by December and release it in 2012 sometime. I still need cover art which I will probably do myself... Things are a lot easier when you are multi-talented. ;) I am also thinking of Starting my author and book blog.
As for everything else... I want to do a show and tell... I have done a new shoot which is on my new and improved modeling page www.mirielys.com
There are just so many things, I would need a good free day and time to just write about everything and include all pictures in relation to everything that's going on. I have to keep up with a few of my blogs as well. All in due time... first is hard work and dedication then its success and a break.
Anyway.. I have to get back to work.
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