Today Mabelle and I went to the park and had a heartfelt talk about life and our current situations, which led me to bring out two notebooks a couple of pencils and we both created a list of evaluation of the lives we lead now and what we want from life...we broke it down into specific areas. This re-evaluating life exercise was good because we made a new list of things we wanted to keep the same and things we should change for the better and we both realized we want more in our lives.It was a good exercise and good day. We both said my special words and I think tomorrow we are both going to feel better and start working for the things we want for our futures.
We also agreed that squirrels are cute and we are going to go to the park with Sparkly Tiaras and our magical wands and dub each one different names. Hehehe...
I talked to her about .... and she has a very good feeling.
That is all for now... I have a list to compile of things i need to do tomorrow.
communication, it's the first thing we
really learn in life. funny thing is, once
we grow up, learn our words and really
start talking, the harder it becomes to
know what to say or how to ask for
what we really need, even from ourselves.
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