
12:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I woke up this morning with a smile from one ear to the other.... Usually when I awake in the morning I am super cranky and bitchy, and people waking me up annoys me...So Manny calls because Mabelle is late once more waking up and being the good boyfriend that he is doesn't want Mabelle to be late... So he calls and I pick her up, when she gets in the car she can so tell my mood...she knows I'm not really a morning person... lol... and shes goes I can tell that your happy.... I ask her how can she tell and shes answers, because your smiling and your energy feels happy. So I spring into full conversation mode as to the result of my "Happiness." 

Even as I am writing this I am smiling like there is no end... I think today is a very good day thanks to... ;)

Ahhhh... I've got a feeling!!!

I feel like singign I was doing so in the car as well on my mission to find breakfast Manny suggested toget BK so I did I got a Crossiantwich and a small coffee...Oh and I told him about.... also and he says that its really good.

Ugh I have an audition for a movie on August 7th. I have to study my lines.... I think i can do wonderful as this part. I already read some of the script and it wont be hard to get into this character.

Did I mention how super awesome I am feeling today????

Well I have to go ship some items I sold.... Hopefully I can get better at this whole selling thing on ebay.... Its kind of tidious to list things one by one....blaaaaahhhh...

Toodooloo I will write later =)

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