Nightmares have a 5am wake up call.
When my room is still dark & I have awoken from yet another nightmare I've made it a habit every night to check the time on my phone, I wake up every night at around the same time, 5am-ish.I used to love going into unconsciousness as an escape to my dreams because they used to be wonderful, not anymore, I have a nightmare every-time I slip into sleep. Sometimes I don't remember them, other times I remember them and feel them all to well. Last nights dream was no different from any other night, except last night the images were just a repeat of something that already happened but the intentions and the words were meant to torture me, hurt me, cause me pain. I woke up (5:23am) and paced around the room, I walked to the kitchen as quiet as possible to not wake the parental units and got my usual glass of water and went back to sleep. All day that fucking dream has been in my head. All day playing itself over and over again on the edge of my mind as if there were some sort of deeper meaning to it.
At least my day has been productive and distracting enough to keep it at a safe distance, where soon it will be nothing but just another bad dream that fades into nothingness.
Happiness is what I value the most, it is what counts in my world and no nightmare, no guy, no bitch, nothing will take it away.
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