Put those thoughts in the Garbage.

12:26 PM Unknown 0 Comments

This morning so far is great. I am dog sitting Marty, the boss mans new puppy. He is adorable and I want to keep him. He’s being a Major distraction though… He already tried to peepee on the carpet…Not good!

These past couple of days I've had these feelings of absence like I am missing something...My chest feels tight and my mind drifts away from what I need to do and into what I shouldn't be thinking about,  I can’t stop thinking... Getting lost in stupid thoughts puts me in a bad mood… I am never in a bad mood… WHAT THE HELL!!!...  At least last night when I was gloomy, Manny and Mabelle picked me up and lifted my spirits we had a good talk about how I felt and why I was on a downer. I feel so much better when I talk to them and I am back on my happy tip today. The good thing is that my downers never last.

This is my only conclusion… Going backward is never an option, it’s my inevitable truth. I have the freedom of who I am and who I will become.

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