A while...

7:38 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I haven't written in a while because I have been a bit on the busy side lately. 

But I am here now ready to write and update my readers on whats been going on lately... I have come to the conclusion that its really hard for me to really like anyone, someone in particular actually breached that wall that I had built. He climbed right over it, to say the least. This happened back in December before New Years but as always... I can never keep the ones I really like. The reason I have decided on this topic is because I passed  a stand of roses, teddy bears, hearts and everything that makes me want to , yes it is true,  Valentines day is coming up and I hate valentines day for this particular reason. I hate the fact that I always get asked, but not by the one I actually want to spend it with, not only that but its only wonderful for those who are in fact in relationships everyone else just puts up with it and settle to go out with someone they rather not, and why do we need a specific day to show someone our affections for them. So this year to save myself from this stupid day I have decided that my Valentines date will consist of my little cousin Mabelle, Yes she is my Valentine.

The weekend that just passed was my little sisters 20th birthday and I am glad she had a few drinks and a great time, which means I did too, I enjoy spending my time with the people I love most in this world.

Thats it for Today. Laters.

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