A Very Happy Camper.
Hello Hello,Well I must say that I am an extremely happy girl today. I had lunch deliverd to the office, I am now having(rice, black beans and picadillo) All I can say is yummmmmyyy!
Last night I had Thanksgiving at my parents, I think I had to much wine because my head started to hurt by the end of the night so I took a little nap at 10PM and was woken up at 11:45PM to go to Dolphin Mall. I was so excited and then all of my excitement came to an abrupt end as soon as I saw the traffic entering the mall, I still went in and the lines were ridiculous. The only thing I bought was noserings which I desperately needed anyway and got out of there.
Good news is I am online shopping for super special deals and after work I am going to do some scavengering <--- is that a word, or did I just make it up? Anywhoo, Yea we are going SCAVENGERINGsome Black Friday deals that are worth it.
Anyway back to work. :)
This was a nice article to read, thank you for sharing it.
О! Great post. Ne peut pas attendre de lire les prochains:)
Je veux juste dire que c'est un super blog vous êtes arrivé ici! J'ai fait le tour de pas mal de temps, mais a finalement décidé de montrer mon appréciation de votre travail! Thumbs up, et continuer!
Awesome informazioni, molte grazie allo scrittore dell'articolo. È comprensibile per me ora, l'efficacia e l'importanza è da capogiro. Grazie ancora e buona fortuna!
I just added your web page to my favorites. I like reading your posts. Thanks!.
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