Forehead Kisses
This morning just as I predicted my back is in full sore mode. I am also just about done with yet another book, that would be 5 books in less than two weeks. Hoorah! I'm a bit tired though since I wake up at 9am work all day go, to the gym at 11pm sometimes later, then get home by 1-ish shower and read some more only to fall asleep at probably 3am or later to do it all over again. I think a nap after work is well deserved. Don't you think? Knowing me I probably will just get home today and continue reading. We shall see what happens.
Another recommended book that I just finished on Tuesday was Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. It was very good. and after I finish reading the newest series I just picked up which consists of four books I will read the continuation of Hush, Hush which is called Crescendo.
...anyway That was just a bit of an update for today. Time to get back to business.
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