2:45 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I am writing this for all of those people out there who have negative influences in their lives. 

Just because things in life aren't going your way doesn’t mean you have to stop going for what you want. You don't just stop your life or stop going for your dreams! 

You keep pushing and you keep trying. People are always going to talk and want bad things and try to disillusion you and when that happens you give then the cold fucking shoulder and shit on what everyone says and prove them wrong. It should make you want to work 10 times harder!!! 

 You can't do this...OH Really? Watch me!

Yea, like that!!!

Who the fuck do they think they are!? They are miserable excuses for human beings with shitty ass lives and nothing to show for. 

So you mustn’t let those loser peoples pathetic little attempts at making you feel like you’re going nowhere and wasting time get you down.

You push, you get angry and you use that anger to fuel your motivation because that is how it should be done! That's how I get shit done!

Do you actually think that I think I can do all the stuff I have set out to do, I absolutely don't. But I am trying and I try as hard as I can. I’m not going to sit here and wait until by some miracle something happens... No fucking way I am going to GRAB LIFE BY THE FUCKING HORNS AND MAKE IT MY FUCKING BITCH!!! And every one can just suck it! (That’s the mentality you should have.)

Well now that I am done with my little tirade, I am going to go get some Cherry Vanilla Yogurt. Yummm :)

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