A Much Needed Update

3:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey you guys,

I really hope everyone is having a wonderful 2012 so far, I know I am ;) 

I honestly never thought I would be this happy, everything is going great! I am so excited about all the things happening this year... I am also so so so excited that my birthday is in two weeks!

I guess I haven't had much time to really update and write everyday so I will give you a little bit of info... I was caught off guard with the new addition in my life, my boyfriend came out of nowhere and I am so absolutely glad he did! FitCrazy.tv is doing great! Mabelle and I are working on updating it right now but still religiously posting workouts and articles my body goal is closer and closer, I actually have those side thingy's I have wanted Yay, but there is still much work to be done. I halted my modeling for a short while so that I can accomplish my body goal first. I have also started an online magazine called Crashing Into Fashion ( http://www.crashingintofashion.com ), don't let the name fool you its not only about fashion but more about women, beauty, fashion, love, life, and advice basically. I am also working on finishing up my book and the books website along with a few other websites that have been ideas for a long time which I am actually going to put into action now that I have more time and the money is rolling in. :)

I have also decided that my term at 24 hour fitness has come to an end, they are disgusting, selfish, people and no one there is friendly. So I will be now going to Porky's gym and  working out more at parks. Besides fresh air is awesome!

I love my readers, and if you are a hater that's ok I love you too... Haters are Motivators ;)


MiryLicious signing off.

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