Act II Scene I: Exit Bullshit

12:55 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Late night long talks, 
Words spill that shock, 
Step back relax
Settle in. 
Take your mind on a spin.
Wait and see, 
What tricks I have up my sleeves.
Nobodies, take a seat,
I will not be in defeat.
My head is clear,
Your bullshit will not smear.
I will no longer defend 
I will no longer pretend 
I no longer see the friends
For tomorrow what reeks, 
will not bother me.
Exit Bullshit.
Enter Peace.


Eyes Like Stars

3:40 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I was reading the book Eyes Like Stars: Theater Illuminata, Act 1 by Lisa Mantchev, I finished it yesterday and all I can say is wow. I was drawn into this world of Theater and Magic, full of mystery and I am torn by her two love interests. This is definitely a book I recommend... this book is clever, humorous, spunky and has a surprise ending, but trust me when I say that in the beginning of the novel I was a bit confused because it starts at a very fast pace and doesn't stop. I loved it! I am on to the second book now.


I have also Updated my workout for today: Workout Health & Fitness Blog

And soon enough I will have show and tell of many things which calls for a video post soon... Yay!

Well, I'm off to do a bit of light afternoon reading. So good day!


My new Kitty Cup!

12:02 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Since everyone knows that I love Hello Kitty, it goes without saying that I love my new cup!

I guess I have been a little away from this blog in a while except for the occasional picture, its just that this body goal lifestyle changing mission is really taking a hold of me and I am writing a lot on Fitness. Great things are approaching and I am ready to make a great change, and see where the winds are going to take me. Knowing that I have the full support of my best friends and my boyfriend is a wonderful thing. Lately I have been feeling unspeakably fabulous. My body has made significant changes in the past month and I am absolutely thrilled!  No pictures just yet, I am planning a photo-shoot, a sports and fitness shoot soon with myself and my workout Partner, my cousin, Mabelle so that we may share our progress with those people that need the motivation. The way I see it if we can do it, then you can too.

Well I am off to bed now, time to give my body a well deserved rest. Goodnight :)


Nail Color of the Week: French Affair

1:14 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Essie's French Affair & my New Ring



11:58 AM Unknown 0 Comments


I definitely needed a tan I was starting to look like a ghost. I cant wait for my golden tanned skin to be back on my body in all its glory. Plus a nice tan is always slimming, not that I need it cause I am motivated!

I guess I really haven't posted any pics in a while,  I did a test shoot the other day and I came out with some pretty nice pics... Check it out...

Do you see what i mean... White :/ 

Well I am going to go grab a sandwich for lunch cause you know you got to keep you metab going and then some more work and off to the beach!



12:25 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Everything changes, thats the only sure thing.

I have had a bit of a realization lately. I didn't quite see it until the beginning of this week.

In the beginning of this year everything has started to fall into place, I am more certain now of what I need to focus on and where my businesses are heading. I also have changed a lot in other areas, like I altered my diet, I am working out consistently on HIIT and have put more focus on my fitness blog. Besides my regular job my businesses are taking off little by little. I sort of put modeling in the back seat but that's all about to change very very soon. 
I finally finished Graceling its a long book but well worth the read. The protagonist in this story is a strong female character and she gave me a lot to think about while I was reading.

Anyway I am at work now so I shall go now.



Inspiration for me, for you, for all...

12:40 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never would have been able to reach. The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.
(Ayn Rand)


I want to go SHOPPING!

1:04 PM Unknown 0 Comments

As you may notice this blog post is in all my blogs, why is the question you may be asking, and the answer is quite simple... I need to go shopping very badly in all areas of my life. I definitely need new workout shoes since mine are in terrible condition, I also need new workout clothes. I also have to go shopping for spring and summer apparel and accessories especially Bikinis ;P Not to mention that I ran out of my mineral Foundation, I don't usually use makeup during the week so I am surprised at how quickly it went, but that's OK I was planning on changing brands anyway. In conclusion I definitely need to find time to go shopping. Hopefully sometime this weekend I will.

Til Laters,


The Busiest of Bees

1:22 PM Unknown 0 Comments

I know I haven't written in a while I am so sorry there are things that are keeping me away from my writing  and informing you about my oh so interesting life. haha... 

No, but really, I have been a bit busy and I have been writing more on my fitness blog site, because as always and this is a never ending thing I am on a MISSION. I am telling you it never ends. As I have posted before I am doing something different and if you want to see what it is I have made it very easy for you...Do you see that little Fitness graphic up on top with the nice writing and all... well just click that and you will see what I am talking about. Simple.

One thing I haven't done that I want to do because I need some relaxation in this hectic-ness I call my life is Yoga, I'm probably going to go in this weekend and do it.  

This is the book I am currently reading:

I have really enjoyed it so far, I like the concept of it being set in the past with kings, kingdoms and overall its a very interesting story.

Anyway I am going to head out of work now. Take cares and Laters.