My Last Post to Blogger

9:20 PM Unknown 0 Comments

This is it guys, I am making big moves and with big moves comes big changes.

My blog has now moved under my own domain name, in the blog section.

So save the link.... and see you soon on my new virtual space. Hugs and Kisses to all of you! ;)


25 Years Later

2:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello, here I am.
Writing today because its actually a rainy day outside and I don't have much to do except clean the house which for me is relatively easy because I am super Miry.

So I am here to give a much needed update, Pretty soon I am going to be moving this blog over to my own domain name. I hope my readers will follow me there... FitCrazy has been a very ambitious project with lots more work to be done. Its already been up and running for 5 months and the turnout has been amazing for a relatively new site. We are hoping for more interaction in the next few months and on its 1 year anniversary there will be a special surprise for everyone involved with the site.

Its been a pretty busy time for me because I am back in school getting three personal training certifications.

I want to Paint.

Blah Blah Blah.....

Working on a few more sites!


Dear Beauty Club Member Card,

2:24 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The silliest things happen to me, you see I didn't mean to lock the bathroom door while I was on the outside. I also think its an unpleasant feeling to have to pee really really bad and your locked out of your own bathroom. So I had to use my super awesome brain and came to the conclusion that the answers to all my problems lay inside this tiny red and black leopard wallet. I did think of using the Capital One Credit Card, it's gotten me in trouble plenty of times, but oh no I may need it in the near future while on a mall trip where I will buy something that I totally didn't need I came across your green shiny plastic squared self and I couldn't for the life of me remember the last time I used you. I would like to thank you in your aide to help me open the bathroom door, with much effort and much patience I didn't have to go outside and pee in the yard.



MIA...Much needed updates :)

3:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Yes, Yes, I know I have been MIA for a while, but how can I write and post and let you all know whats going on when I am super busy with everything going on.

Basically to give you a brief full update, I have a new place, a new puppy (Pee-Wee), a new iPhone (which at first I refused to get, but it had to be done and now I am glad I did), Slowly but surely success is the direction things are heading in and I have decided that instead of going back to school for journalism I am going back for Personal Training & Nutrition.

I have still been reading not as often as I would like but the book I am reading now is The Hunger Games, I wanted to read it before the movie came out but either way I don't like watching movies the same weekend it comes out so I have another week to finish, so far so good. Loving it....

Things are about to get more hectic because I got offered a job opportunity that may be pretty good for me at this moment.

I guess you can really see that I am not kidding when I say that I am a busy bee.... Anyway time for me to go and so what I do busy :)

Follow me on InstaGram: GorgeousLovesLife

Much love to all my readers!

Love Peace and Harmony,


Much Greater

12:40 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Today I am a much greater person. 
Doing much greater things.
Taking on much greater tasks.
Playing a much greater role.
Daring to take much greater steps.
Hoping to accomplish much greater goals. 
Dreaming much greater dreams. 
Filling life with much greater memories.

For a much greater life.



A Much Needed Update

3:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey you guys,

I really hope everyone is having a wonderful 2012 so far, I know I am ;) 

I honestly never thought I would be this happy, everything is going great! I am so excited about all the things happening this year... I am also so so so excited that my birthday is in two weeks!

I guess I haven't had much time to really update and write everyday so I will give you a little bit of info... I was caught off guard with the new addition in my life, my boyfriend came out of nowhere and I am so absolutely glad he did! is doing great! Mabelle and I are working on updating it right now but still religiously posting workouts and articles my body goal is closer and closer, I actually have those side thingy's I have wanted Yay, but there is still much work to be done. I halted my modeling for a short while so that I can accomplish my body goal first. I have also started an online magazine called Crashing Into Fashion ( ), don't let the name fool you its not only about fashion but more about women, beauty, fashion, love, life, and advice basically. I am also working on finishing up my book and the books website along with a few other websites that have been ideas for a long time which I am actually going to put into action now that I have more time and the money is rolling in. :)

I have also decided that my term at 24 hour fitness has come to an end, they are disgusting, selfish, people and no one there is friendly. So I will be now going to Porky's gym and  working out more at parks. Besides fresh air is awesome!

I love my readers, and if you are a hater that's ok I love you too... Haters are Motivators ;)


MiryLicious signing off.


Skin Deep

7:17 PM Unknown 0 Comments

In this day and age tattoos are the norm...
A report by the Food and Drug Administration estimated that as many as 45 million Americans have tattoos. The report based the number on the finding by a Harris Interactive Poll in 2003 that 16 percent of all adults and 36 percent of people 25 to 29 had at least one tattoo. The poll also found that 17 percent of tattooed Americans regretted it. - The New York Times
That poll was taken in 2003 imagine 8 years later...   I on the other hand refuse to get one, not because I hate them or have anything against them. I actually think they are a very interesting art form and I myself being an artist appreciate all forms of art. However, I have come to realize that tattoos are just not for me, not in the very least appealing. I love my body too much and too fully to ever destroy its true nature of completely bare skin. Skin is beautiful just as it is.

Even when I did think of a tattoo my body spoke to me and told me, simply, No. I listened of course and then I realized that one day  I will walk through the streets, through the sands of different beaches and I will be one of the few that hasn't marked their temple.

My Temple will Remain...



Orly - Oh Cabana Boy

1:36 PM Unknown 0 Comments

New polish color, I would say its very Miry.


Tuned In

1:44 PM Unknown 1 Comments

The first week of 2012 is coming to a close and I can honestly say that I am winning already. I am super happy, super motivated and dedicated.

I appreciate all of the people in my life, they make everyday worth while and beautiful.

Laughing and smiling is an everyday thing now, and thats just the way I like it. This year will bring big changes, I say I am ready and bring it on!

Oh yea and one more thing... Irk!


What I hope to accomplish in 2012

11:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments


In 2012 I have a list of things I hope to accomplish. You see I am a firm believer that you can do anything you set out to do.

1.) Do More activities: Mixed Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Play more sports, Be a part of more obstacle runs, Skateboard, Skate, Ride Bike more, Swim more often....etc.

2.) Finish the book I am writing and finish the trilogy. Start the other book Idea with Mabelle. 

3.) FitCrazy to be more than just a workout informational site, more like a community. 

4.) Start my own online Beauty and Fashion magazine.

5.) Brush up on my Italian, also learn Japanese and French  

6.) Read more books in 2012 than I read in 2011.

7.) Make more friends with the same interests. 

8.) Get the business on the right track and be a successful one! 

9.) Keep being Happy.

10.) Spend more time with my family.