Busy, Hectic...and Falling.

12:22 PM Unknown 0 Comments

So a new year starts, fresh new things happening.

1. No Job...But I am getting unemployment...thus I am thinking on just living on that until I graduate in May.

2. My schedule is screwed up: Mondays and Wednesday Classes from 9am - 1pm then again from 6pm - 9ish pm. What a drag, thus not letting me have a full time job like before.

3. New love in my life. I don't quite love him yet. But I am falling and I am so happy about this. I needed this in my life. I just hope he can catch me before I have to catch myself.

4. I have a couple of photo shoots coming up which means I have been strict on eating and excercising. December was a slack month that was a very big No-No in the Junk food and not excercising department. Im not going to lie it was a very fun & exciting month for me.

...there are more things but why speak about things.

So Class was very un-eventful, downright boring if you ask me.
Besides that I kinda can't wait to see Ahmed. Yay! =)

Well I shall write again soon. I have a feeling I am going to be either very inspired or very bored during this extended break from work.


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