Wednesday Blues

11:23 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Today I am alright.
I had fun with my friends last night, I really needed the distraction.
Disappointment is becoming more and more a part of my life. I will not let 2009 become another 2008, I can't! Everything needs to move along...I was fine and comfortable being alone before I met Ahmed and now I will be fine and comfortable being alone after him. He just shifted my universe for a little bit, but I have shifted it back to how it used to be. I talk to whoever I want, go out with whoever I want.
My dreams are becoming more and more vivid. More… fucked up. I keep waking up at 5 in the morning and then I try to go back to sleep and it takes me a long time. These horrible dreams are trying to tell me something, I know this… I just can’t figure it out.
I am also going to try to become second in command and take some planning responsibilities on myself because I know that sometimes Annabelle gets frustrated and cranky since she always has to do it all herself. Last night was my first step and it turned out pretty good.

It's 11:37am...This is going to be a long day. =/



2:24 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Inspiration can come from anything, Movies, a song, a tree, a person. Anything.

And today, inspiration has come.

This is going to be challenging but bring it on!



Not Cool.

4:28 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Pretty much thats it...That wasn't cool.


A Miry Quote

12:50 AM Unknown 0 Comments

"I say what I feel when I feel it, I say it and show it a lot more than I should... but I do this because I know that tomorrow isn't promised... and if tomorrow comes and I am not here you will always know what I felt was truly real. =)"


Busy, Hectic...and Falling.

12:22 PM Unknown 0 Comments

So a new year starts, fresh new things happening.

1. No Job...But I am getting unemployment...thus I am thinking on just living on that until I graduate in May.

2. My schedule is screwed up: Mondays and Wednesday Classes from 9am - 1pm then again from 6pm - 9ish pm. What a drag, thus not letting me have a full time job like before.

3. New love in my life. I don't quite love him yet. But I am falling and I am so happy about this. I needed this in my life. I just hope he can catch me before I have to catch myself.

4. I have a couple of photo shoots coming up which means I have been strict on eating and excercising. December was a slack month that was a very big No-No in the Junk food and not excercising department. Im not going to lie it was a very fun & exciting month for me.

...there are more things but why speak about things.

So Class was very un-eventful, downright boring if you ask me.
Besides that I kinda can't wait to see Ahmed. Yay! =)

Well I shall write again soon. I have a feeling I am going to be either very inspired or very bored during this extended break from work.
