Friday Funk

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Yesterday was a productive and fun day, after work I got a much needed facial. As I cam back home I grabbed something quick to eat and changed into my workout clothes because my cousin Annabelle told me that we were going to Laura's house and she has Insanity. We first went to Walmart and shopped for Laura, I didn't take my purse or wallet out of the car I refuse to spend money I don't need to be spending. So when we got to Lauras we did the workout, insanely enough it was Insanity, Working out with my best friends and sweating my ass off was great and I felt wonderful! It was very needed.

I finished Inevitable by Jason Letts yesterday it was a good book, a little confusing in the beginning but it was a great concept one of the scenes that really got to me though was the *spoiler alert* sleeping pills scene, that turned on the waterworks. The ending I didn't really like, but I guess its understandable if there will be another book to follow. So do I recommend it, Yes, Its a good story.

I am going to start Virtue today By my Favorite author this Year Amanda Hocking.
From reading her other series which I loved all of them I know this will be another mind blowing book. So, we shall see.

Besides all of that, my new project is complete, Crashing Into Fashion. What it is? A place or community where women or men, but mostly women come to stick by each other by giving tips, advice, help about different topics in different categories through discussions. A community like this will benefit a lot of people, I invite anyone to join the site just because you may know or have something to share of value with others and you are not being heard or you have great tips that you constantly share with your friends that you want to share with more people. So that's the concept. 

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