Working My Butt Off.

5:58 PM Unknown 0 Comments

 After I quit my tedious job, I had a plan. A plan that Ive been thinking of for quite a while.

This plan would include, myself and not working for anyone but myself. So in the past week I have been working on what is now my Business. I've designed and coded the website, designed the web flyers and emailed my contacts, designed and printed my cards, and have been working on a couple more websites.

So readers if you want to... check it out its: Creative Control Web Design

As for everything else I have been quite lovely, I have been keeping to myself quite a bit more and just hanging with my sister a lot more. I miss my friends but I feel if they don't call me to chill or to see how I am doing its because they must not really care. Regardless, I still love them to death.

I have started a new blog and updated an old one.
(NEW) - I Try It, You Buy It! - Which is a blog about products that I try and if I think they are great and worthy of a recommendation then I will write my story about it and why its so great.
(UPDATED) - Room For Improvement - This is the Health and Fitness one that I have recently updated the layout & The new body goal. I am also eating very differently. And my body Goal is ridiculous but if I stick to it very very possible.

And everything else seems to be falling into place as well. So until tomorrow readers have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday! :)

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