
3:02 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Today is Tuesday and a boring one at that, I guess Its time for an update, I am doing very well... Back at school and doing math (which I absolutely hate), re-working my business ideas,  My body goal is closer and closer in my grasp, So right now everything is going great. There are a few things here and there that are not so great but obviously everyone has those  no one can be perfect. I have decided that since I haven't had a picture update blog post in a while and since most of my pictures lately are being taken from my phone I am going to have to do it from my phone directly.

It must be one of those days where I am focusing on what needs to be done and what I must do to fulfill my goals and dreams. I have a couple of projects that I will be working on in the next couple of weeks.

I am going to start training for Tough Mudder, for those of you who don't know it is a 10-12 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. This is what they are saying on the site "At a minimum, we recommend that you are running regularly (3-4 times a week), work up to at least runs of 5-7 miles, be able to do 15-25 push-ups in a row, be able to bang out 6 pull-ups in a row (especially the guys), and be able to swim 50 yards without stopping (although you can skip the water obstacles)." So I have my work cut out for me.

So lots of things happening and I know I have been really bad at updating recently! I'm just swamped with everything happening.

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