Answers in bits and pieces.

9:49 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The answers come in bits and pieces. Meanwhile, we live our lives and go on about what we think and know to be our destiny. What we thought were the answers to our questions came to us in various forms at various times. And, so now we live the life we live, as it was presented to us.

I have asked many questions. I have asked them time and time again. And every time an answer came I treated it as 'the answer'... because it was all I had.

Then a curve ball ...

And a bit just came, and it contradicts all the other pieces that came before it.

Now, I don't know what to do ...

What to do? I have idea...just wait and see what more bits and pieces are given to me.

Oh and I got toothpaste in my left eye this morning... OUCH! I think I might do Yoga sometime this week hopefully soon I need to stretch and relax...and Meditate its healthy for me to organize my thoughts, they are all cluttered in my brain, so some organization is in order.

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