I just re-read what I wrote last night while I was at the club ...(I wanted to write while everything was happening) I do not believe that anything that I wrote last night made any sense. I mean I was a little on another level... alright alright a lot on another level.I think I have a serious problem... I am starting to hate the mirror.
All in all I had a good time yesterday, The DJ was also pretty good... I enjoyed myself... After wards Annie, her boyfriend John and I went to I-hop, I felt so guilty because I ate sooooo much. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
Anyhoo I finished Hunted... and I have to say its the 5th book in the series and just as good as the previous ones but... I don't think its done there... I want more! I have to research to see if they will be coming out with another book to the series, I feel like the story should continue... the bad guy needs to come back and so many other things need to happen!!!
In my previous post I wrote this... I bought a brto the beat a that SCreams MIRY!!... Shall I Translate? Yes, I think I must because it took me a whole 5 minutes to figure out what the hell I had written... Here it goes: I bought a bra today that screams MIRY!! LaughingOutLoud... it is the truth I shall demonstrate because if I do not demonstrate I feel like you wouldn't get to know me.
Holy Shit on cucumber icicles!!!!... I took a stroll to the backyard refrigerator to get some orange juice... O.o that's when I saw IT!!! That big beautiful BOUNCE HOUSE!!! I had to... I just had too and it was sooooo much fun.
I have to go get some things done before the little nephews Bday party starts.
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