
12:25 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Everything changes, thats the only sure thing.

I have had a bit of a realization lately. I didn't quite see it until the beginning of this week.

In the beginning of this year everything has started to fall into place, I am more certain now of what I need to focus on and where my businesses are heading. I also have changed a lot in other areas, like I altered my diet, I am working out consistently on HIIT and have put more focus on my fitness blog. Besides my regular job my businesses are taking off little by little. I sort of put modeling in the back seat but that's all about to change very very soon. 
I finally finished Graceling its a long book but well worth the read. The protagonist in this story is a strong female character and she gave me a lot to think about while I was reading.

Anyway I am at work now so I shall go now.


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