
11:33 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Sunday was all about this word I just said called Escapism… It just came to my head and since I know that somehow it came I didn’t know where but it did and I looked it up right now and it means: Escapism is mental diversion. I personally didn’t like this meaning, so I decided to make my own meaning of this word.

Miry’s Escapism:
Freedom. To just go, to move without an agenda, without a purpose to do what one wishes without the restraints of time, money, cell phone. All left behind except you and your wishes, you and whatever you feel like doing. Freedom. Get up, move about, run, dance, play, feel, sing, drive, speak, paint, draw, create, listen… however whenever with whoever. Freedom. Cry, feel, wander, explore, watch….just watch. Look, simply look around you while on Escapism… what are you looking at? What do you see? How do you feel when you see? Did you notice before? Freedom.

What a great Monday… I feel truly happy I can’t wait for Friday though since I have it off I am going to have an Escapism Day. =)

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