Life really cracks me up, things or people in life come unexpectedly, when you think that there isn't anything that can shift your universe in such a way that it leaves you utterly speechless, there it comes & when this happens its terrifying because just what you wanted came and all you want to do is run because its just not possible, it can be a trick, a mirage, just an image of what you want... it can't possibly be in front of you...then at this point you start to accept the possibility of what just happened except now your really terrified because your fighting with yourself to keep your composure, to keep your cool and not run away from something that is good. If you don't run then the hurt possibility is there and that's why everyone runs...Because they don't want to break. I will not run. I will not turn away. Yes, when you do this you make yourself vulnerable and open yourself to being hurt once more, the beauty is that if you don't try then you'll never get anywhere and I'm done going no where. I don't want to waste my time, but this might be worth it. And that's when hope comes into play because all you can do now is hope that everything turns out alright and prepare for disappointment if it happens to come.
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