Outta My System

3:23 AM Unknown 0 Comments

So its 2:30am and I can't fall asleep...I am sleepy as fuck but still my restless mind doesnt let me sleep...So I am sitting here in my underwear with my  awesome smelling crazy hair all over the place (sometimes it has a mind of its own) listening to The Longest Road by Deadmau5 while a gazillion and one thoughts go through my mind. Yes, I have tried to quiet my mind and relax and meditate but right now its not working.... right now all I can do is think. I'm absolutely sure that when I wake up in the morning I WILL HAVE A FUCKING HEADACHE!!!

So as a distraction to my mind I have decided to go through old photographs in my pink 250gb drive, that if anything happens to it I would surely have cardiac arrest, I've actually decided to share some old photographs with the followers and or the new readers of my oh so fun and interesting blog...

I don't know where my
my style comes from.
                                      (Random Day)

When I used to ride with my ex on the weekends.                            

Yea Yea I rode ATV's as well...
WTH...Behind Bars.

When Our Friendship Fate Was Sealed!

Thats all...Im going to go (hopefully) fall asleep. Wish me luck.

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