Emotionless Zombie

11:25 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Sometimes I feel like maybe being an emotionless zombie wouldn't be so bad. Take me for example A triple water sign Pisces that thinks way to much sounds about right that you are on a constant emotional roller coaster, definitely not the fun kind of roller coaster if you ask me, but that's besides the point, the point I am trying to make here is that I have a million emotions a day, but according to my mother I am a detached emotionless person or that's what she seems to see, I wish she was right though because sometimes I care about way to much. To other people I am selfish and not understanding, while to some people I am so selfless and way to understanding that I need to be more selfish, and since I know you are reading this Mabelle and Annie you may be smiling to yourself right now. Over the years though it seems that a veil or layers of veils have been removed from sight so I can see the picture a little clearer, a little sharper and its no wonder that people are the way they are now a days, its really easy to care less and less and its really easy to start not giving a fuck. I am seeing more and more that people are really fucked up. Those people who are nice to you in your face and are really just pretending in order to manipulate those around them to have control and get what they want I am sure its been like that their whole lives because I mean seriously some people just don't have anything better to do, but hey who am I to judge. Oh wait... I can judge because if they can judge me then I can damn well judge and I know that they have more skeletons in  their closets than they lead on. But we aren't talking about people who think all high and mighty of themselves when they have done absolutely nothing in their lives.

We are talking about me here, you see a simple roaring fire starts with a small insignificant candle, lets make it lavender just for shits and giggles, and then you strike the match and there goes the wonderful smell and the brightness and warm glow of this little lavender candle and all it takes is a little push for that candle to become a small fire, you can put it out in time if you hurry, but what if this little fire becomes an out of control wave of flames and destruction. That would be fun to watch wouldn't it?

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