It's Thursday....

9:32 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello everyone, or all of you, or those of you who have stumbled upon , religiously read, or stalk my blog. Welcome one and all to my Crappy Thursday Night... I am sitting here in front of the computer attempting to work but I don't want to...wahhhh... Anyway lets get to the point of this blog, I have somewhat organized my room, my books, and I am in the process of organizing everything in my life. What has brought this on you may ask... Its actually quite simple I can feel change approaching besides at the time of the New Moon phase is a magical time of new beginings.

I also want to mention that my puppy is weird and slams into my back door all the time.

Since I also want to be weird I am going to do some twitter Best Tweets on Thursday August 4, 2011.
 by MiryPz
OK so those were my favorite tweets today...

What else.... Oh yea... why is everyone going on vacation? Everyone but me? FUCK ALL Y'ALL! 

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