Oh goody...
1:20 PM
So guess what I cant keep my mouth shut today because I am angry!1:20 PM Unknown 0 Comments
I found out that Ahmed is having another child with that heffer of a girlfriend that he has, Wow...so Guess what I did... I told his brother that he was calling me and he didn't know apparently he wanted to keep calling me under wraps ...I told his brother to tell him not to call me anymore, because he already made his choice. Go Me!
I am also angry at the fact that I havent been able to find a decent job. Ive gone to countless interviews and nothing... Wow is the economy that bad? Wait a second of course it is. Sorry my mistake.
Any thing else...
Oh yes my family thinks I am tired and sick... Yea guess what... I am like this because I am sick and tired of life being this way! I was supposed to be already moved out.
Grrrr... Im too down right now I am going to go to sleep.
Let's think about this...
9:36 AM
Today I am making a plan...I need to do something to improve this money situation.9:36 AM Unknown 0 Comments
This morning on my way to my internship I was very scared that I wasn't going to have enough gas to make it to work. I made it, now my issue is how the hell on this planet am i going to make it back to my house if I have zero gas in my tank...Not to mention $0.00 in my bank account. How the hell am I going to make it to the gym? How the hell am I supposed to do anything at all...I cant even eat.
Fuck it, I guess I will have to deal with it until things get better...All i have to say is screw this economy its going to shit and its only getting worse. I am here working for free without gas in my tank. How does that sound to you? Yea shitty huh.
Besides that I guess you can say that I'm not really stressing anything else but that.
I love ruffling peoples feathers. Words can't describe how much it amuses me.
Well anyhoo I have to start "The Plan"
11:26 AM
I told a friend before he left that I was going to be causing some Chaos in Miami after he left and after I solve a few things that need to be solved.11:26 AM Unknown 0 Comments
& that is the truth, I have already started to place the puzzle peices where they belong. Correcting wrongs and having all the patterns figured out so all goes according to plan. Peoples lives will be turned upside down. They wont know what hit them. People have yet figured out what I am. I don't even know... I can't explain how it is that I do what I do...but I just do it.
There is a list, there's always a list. Thats how I do things I write them down and cross them off as I go.
I will not tolerate peoples mistakes or their malicious actions... I will not wait for fate to take care of their karma... I will not stand here and do nothing when I know that they need to learn their lessons. I know many people won't agree with me, but it's not their desicion.
I will be a good person no matter what... So my intention is not to hurt anyone. I will not be hurting people... it is wrong to intentionally hurt people especially if you loved them at one point... lets just say its a harsh realization that will hopefully change their lives.
Each step has to be taken carefully and without flaw. If not things will go terribly wrong.
Today I am taking care of a couple of things that need to be taken care of like my internship I am not sure if this is the right place for me so i will go check out a few more places that do what I do... I will workout hard today because last week I slacked and I have to be in awesome shape for a paying photoshoot for a website. And I need to get things in order to start paying annabelle and my uncle and other things that need to be handled.
I am angry today but I will not let people see it. I kind off want to throw things all over the place... or go punch something. I guess I will have to just let it all out at the gym.
What a fun day this will be today.
Well I am off to do a couple of things...
Movie: Surrogates
Music: Acceptance
Books: Fade
Treat: Frozen Yogurt w/ Marshmellows.
11:31 AM
Its a cloudy Saturday afternoon and I feel relieved yet still tired... I will go today and I will do what I need to do in order to fix the messes that others have crated for me and around me. Today will be a no nonsense kind of day I need to get down to the bottom of this mess and fix all of it.11:31 AM Unknown 0 Comments
I am really down because my money seems to be disappearing....I think this is one of the things that its messing with... Why didn't I get the Job that Goob said would totally be mine when I am obviously qualified for it? Why do things suddenly show up that I need to pay? Why hasn't it worked out with anyone? Why am I working so hard and doing everything so right yet I still get no results? Things of that nature that now i have come to realize its not me!
I already had my pills and I am going to go to the gym after I do what I need to do.
Things will be really turning around this time. I hope that by the end of this year my life will be back on track and normal.
I have decided that I can't go to anything anymore, I am not going to Deadmau5, I am not going to Vegas, I am not going to a lot of things I want to go to just because I have to use all the money I am making to pay things off, I hardly have anough for gas. I am just thinking of not even going to Orlando and telling Annablelle to sell the Tiesto ticket and get back the money from that. It's not what I want to do... Its what I have to do, maybe Laura would want to go and take my place so that way Manny gets 60 that was supposed to be my share. I know they will be dissapointed but I know that they will understand. I am trying to do the responsible thing and take care of all of the things i need to before the end of the year so maybe 2010 can be a Peaceful, non-monetary issue, successful, happier year.
Thursday Morning Realization
12:06 PM
One day I just stopped being sad over something I had no control over; instead I made a decision & a difference in my own life and started working towards myself and my future. Today on this Thursday morning I realize that I am happier then I was, even though I am different and things have changed, I am still truly happy. I am alone without a relationship especially when I don't want one, but I am still sincerely happy. – Mirielys Perez12:06 PM Unknown 0 Comments
Miry-ville continued...
10:46 AM
10:46 AM Unknown 0 Comments
From a distance everything seems perfect, and that’s how I want it to be.
I’ve had more calls from Ahmed and I can not lie and say that I get happy when he does, because in the end he is thinking of me while he is with her.
That knowledge that he is miserable with her actually makes me happy. It’s not evil and I am not a bad person it’s just the plain and simple truth… He made a big mistake.
The questions still exists:
1) Why did he come back and start calling me, the real reason not the bullshit reason?
2) What does he truly want or expect from me?
3) He says he fell for me, but is that really true?
Whatever, I cannot stress this shit because I have things to get done and goals to accomplish, the game plan needs to stay in tact.
My schedule has gotten hectic. With the internship, the gym and everything else.
Well that’s it for today!
Another day in Miry-ville.
9:20 AM
Well all is well, I can't complain.9:20 AM Unknown 0 Comments
I have the internship which is going rather well even though this my second day. I will explain about my duties and things later when I get well adjusted.
I am still happy above all else. There is always room for self improvement, which is my life's goal really to just improve anything about myself till I am in my old age.
Head Over Heels - I definitely am not, but I can't say the same for a few guys out there that have fallen for me, why does this happen?
All in all everything is working out as it should be. More or less.
Ugh... I have to get going but I will write later.
Rewind to just three days ago...
1:43 PM
So I was freaking out... Because something is happening. Something big is in the works and I can feel it.1:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments
I swear guys get stupider and stupider each day...its becoming easier to read people and differentiate between good guys, players and gays lmaoooo! All I do is observe of course just to gain the knowledge and the accuracy of these readings, in order to protect myself. Slim one of my friends which I was helping out with girl issues (MAJOR GIRL ISSUES), says I am evil. I simply told him that Even if that were the truth I will never be hurt... the only person that can hurt me is me and that's better than being hurt by someone else.
Besides that I have an internship interview in a merketing company....so I wont be paid but I will learn the ropes in the marketing business which is exactly my field of expertise.
Sometimes I feel like I am too good... and I know that is a wrong way to think about myself I shouldnt believe or even think that I am better than anyone else. But thats what I feel...Except and this is the weird part.... I cant say that about my family... I dont feel any better than Made, Annie, and boo... I just don't, to me we are equals... to me WE are better than everyone else. I hope I made my point.
I printed out a re-admissions sheet for Miami Dade. I am thinking of continuing to my bachelors in Web Administration. Or do what I want like Philosophy or Journalism. I guess I will talk to an admissions counselor or whatever when the time comes. I want to further my education.
Movie - Gamer
Book - Drugs Sex and Cocoa Puffs
Music - Cobra Starship
Excercise - Donkey Kicks....For butt ;)
Well readers I've got to go get ready.
Spin me around...
9:41 AM
and around and around...9:41 AM Unknown 0 Comments
I feel humorous today like life is one big beautiful joke that I have learned to appreciate and hate all at the same time.
Wow, What can I say today on this lovely Tuesday morning... I am up early that's one, I actually like my hair this morning, that's two, I have put at least 30 books for sale on Amazon since yesterday afternoon, that's three... I have gotten halfway through my book Drugs Sex and Cocoa Puffs and its really entertaining... I have to finish it in order to know whether a recommendation is worthy.
Besides all that Ive been dealing with my things and my life very smoothly everything is going as planned with an occassional surprise. I am being that girl that I wanted to be...if you don't remembe...r It was on a post.. June 4 of 09 ...but since we both know you arent going back I will just repost the freaking picture...
There you go. Now the successful part is not just as in the career type way that I still need to work on but in other ways. ;)
I saw S.A.V. yesterday, we hung out for a bit... I haven't seen him since maybe when the Wolverine movie came out.... He says I look the same but different...that there is something different about me he couldn't quite figure out... LOL Exactly my love... ex-fucking-actly. Now all I need are just minor upgrades and tweaks here and there. Damn you'd think I was talking about a computer or a robot. LMAO... Everyone says I should see this movie called Jennifer's Body because 1. I look like her and 2. supposedly I'd love the concept of the movie... I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued.
![Jennifer's Body (2009) Poster](http://l.yimg.com/eb/ymv/us/img/hv/photo/movie_pix/twentieth_century_fox/jennifer_s_body/jennifersbody_smallposter2.jpg)
My hair is now a couple of inches longer and the goal is for it to reach below my Boobies before my birthday. =) I have stopped all pulling (Its harder than it seems).
By the way I am having Plain Wheat toast <--- ewww.... I know but I ate like a little piggy this weekend and I am now on mission mode...not that its anything too bad I just don't feel right when I don't make healthy food decisions. Not only that but my body hates me after-wards.
Oh oh oh and for those of you who live in the MIA ... there's a new place that just opened in front of FIU called Chic Berry its all about ...My favorite snack... Frozen Yogurt... guess what Its awesome times a million!!!! I'm a fiend for it on a 24/7 basis... thank you Mabelle for taking us there.
Well Since I have apparently babbled on and on about my life and today I shall leave you with this little bit of wise knowledge I have come up with.
The only way to get what you deserve is to take a chance and go after it, no matter how scary it seems. While the effort seems enormous, it'll be worth it.
100th and Counting....
8:40 PM
I don’t let my guard down. I built those walls up high, and they’re not coming down anytime soon. Don’t worry, you won’t be crashing through them. You think you’re special, you think that I’ll let you in… well, you’re wrong. Because no one is coming through, and I’m certainly not going out. I guess you could say I’m taking a break from feelings for awhile.8:40 PM Unknown 0 Comments
As all of you know this is my 100th post, and yes this blog will continue to be my personal blog and I will write in it whatever the hell I feel like writing in it... I have a new found attitude that i will use in my style of writing.
Now as for people who have been reading and kept up with all my posts...then you know that Ive been through a lot of ups and down...Well I am on a rocket ship up with occasional turbulence. Please don't get in my way, it won't be pretty.
Let me tell you a couple of things about me... I always win... even when you think you have won you haven't
If you have to know ... my mentality is set like this... no matter what I am the best... there was, there is, there ever will be...My number one priority right now is my family and my friends and my goals. ::Smiles widely:: wait till you see what's coming.
As the End of the year approaches I realize that this year has gone by fairly quickly... and it will almost be 2010 It felt like just yesterday i was celebrating my 22nd birthday and i will soon be celebrating it once more on my 23rd.
Alright Show and Tell time...
Let I got them in two different colors as to match with my outfits.
Besides that I got New Contacts The grey and the clear that I wanted.
I am currently reading Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, and then I will be reading Wicked....
I am also going to Re-post my reading list since i will be moving some to next years list and adding others to this years list.
Besides all that I am going to be working on a couple of projects I have come up with while doing research at the library... How fun.
I am super good and happy.
I have a Bulletin Board in my room.... its called my visualization board...where I keep pictures and writings of what I want ...you can say maybe a collage of my goals and so far everything on it seems to be coming together in bits and pieces but it will be whole soon enough.
Some Wisdom I have aquired that I will like to share with you guys:
1. Take time for yourself more often...its ok to be selfish at times
2. Dont take things for granted.
3. Waiting for your soul mate or the person you your meant to be with is ok
4. Being alone and happy is better than being with someone totally wrong and miserable
5. Dont let people tell you who you are or who you have to be...be yourself and whoever doesnt like it can kiss perfectly small round booty.
6. Family comes first!!!
7. Looking into the past is stupid...focus on the future.
I used to overthink everything and analyze things to the T... Well now I do no such thing, now I only calculate.
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