
11:31 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Its a cloudy Saturday afternoon and I feel relieved yet still tired... I will go today and I will do what I need to do in order to fix the messes that others have crated for me and around me. Today will be a no nonsense kind of day I need to get down to the bottom of this mess and fix all of it.

I am really down because my money seems to be disappearing....I think this is one of the things that its messing with... Why didn't I get the Job that Goob said would totally be mine when I am obviously qualified for it? Why do things suddenly show up that I need to pay? Why hasn't it worked out with anyone? Why am I working so hard and doing everything so right yet I still get no results? Things of that nature that now i have come to realize its not me!

I already had my pills and I am going to go to the gym after I do what I need to do.

Things will be really turning around this time. I hope that by the end of this year my life will be back on track and normal.

I have decided that I can't go to anything anymore, I am not going to Deadmau5, I am not going to Vegas, I am not going to a lot of things I want to go to just because I have to use all the money I am making to pay things off, I hardly have anough for gas. I am just thinking of not even going to Orlando and telling Annablelle to sell the Tiesto ticket and get back the money from that. It's not what I want to do... Its what I have to do, maybe Laura would want to go and take my place so that way Manny gets 60 that was supposed to be my share. I know they will be dissapointed but I know that they will understand. I am trying to do the responsible thing and take care of all of the things i need to before the end of the year so maybe 2010 can be a Peaceful, non-monetary issue, successful, happier year.

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