Miry-ville continued...

10:46 AM Unknown 0 Comments

From a distance everything seems perfect, and that’s how I want it to be.

I’ve had more calls from Ahmed and I can not lie and say that I get happy when he does, because in the end he is thinking of me while he is with her.

That knowledge that he is miserable with her actually makes me happy. It’s not evil and I am not a bad person it’s just the plain and simple truth… He made a big mistake.

The questions still exists:

1) Why did he come back and start calling me, the real reason not the bullshit reason?

2) What does he truly want or expect from me?

3) He says he fell for me, but is that really true?

Whatever, I cannot stress this shit because I have things to get done and goals to accomplish, the game plan needs to stay in tact.

My schedule has gotten hectic. With the internship, the gym and everything else.

Well that’s it for today!

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