Don't think...

12:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

My hyper active imagination is driving me crazy.

Apart from that, I have a busy day today, Interviews and rehearsal and then Illusion show. I bring this upon myself because I want to stay busy and do a lot of stuff this week, so far the job hunt has been going well interviews all over the place, then there's planning the whole month of working out (because I am doing a 30 day challenge of straight working out and no junk for 30 days.) Also, there is Miiry Shop, I am planning on more items like shoes, hand bags, more accessories. Working on the catalog which I have to find the photographer and plan the shoot. Finishing up sites and starting new ones. Theres just so much going on and I want to do it all. I guess I can just relax on the weekend.

So I have to go now. I am going to have a pretty busy week but I will definitely try writing on a daily basis.

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